Similarties and Differences


  1. pictures of food
  2. pictures of favorite bands
  3. pictures of nature
  4. pictures of animals
  5. pictures of video games


  1. selfies
  2. pictures of friends
  3. pictures of family
  4. what they are wearing today
  5. where they are at the moment




Digital Citizen

I spend a lot of time with technology at home. I usually post pictures of nature and food. I never post selfies or any pictures with my family. If a stranger found my account and looked through it I would be scared but I would not be worried that now they know how I look like and where I live. I don’t post personal stuff about me like my phone number, what I am doing right now and stuff like that. The stranger would just know what my hobbies are and my favorite stuff.

Favorite Game

My favorite video game is The Sims.

    What Makes It So Good

  1. The Graphics
  2. Customizable Characters
  3. You use your imagination a lot
  4. Creative
  5. No lag
  6. Do whatever you want
  7. Realistic
  8. Addicting
  9. Fun
  10. Never Get Tired Of Playing
  11. Endless Possibilities

Scratch Game


This game is called World of Pen. It was difficult picking a favorite game. I like this game because it is so basic but so fun. It is very addicting like angry birds and flappy bird. This game kind of reminds me of geometry dash which is also a very good game. This game is hard but I can’t stop playing it because it is fun. It is very challenging. At one point I quit the game but then later played it again. Even though World of Pen made me frustrated a lot, it is a very fun and addicting game.

Friend Finder

I did good on the friend finder game. I finished it and got on the all-stars list. It got harder when the true or false questions came up but I finished them and got a lot of them correct. I learned a lot of the game. For example, you should choose wisely who can be on your friends list. Don’t add strangers. You can’t control who sees your page or posts. And even if your on private people can still find out a way to view your page and stalk you.


 Strong passwords

  1. !luvp!3
  2. m!n3cr4fluv3r

Having a strong password is important because you need to keep the hackers from looking at your personal and private stuff.

Challenge Response

 5 things I learned

  1. Not everything online is true
  2. When there is inappropriate content you can report it to the website.
  3. Nothing is really private online
  4. Not everyone online is your friend
  5. You should never meet up with anyone you meet online.

The Good and the Bad

          The Good

  1. Donating money to charity
  2. Helping the homeless
  3. Doing community service
  4. Hanging out with family
  5. Pictures of nature
  6. Playing and loving your pets
  7. Helping out at the animal shelter
  8. Doing charity walks
  9. Reading books
  10. Volunteering to help out old people.

         The Bad

  1. Graffiti
  2. Smoking
  3. Drug use
  4. Nudes
  5. Inappropriate language
  6. Alcohol abuse
  7. Fighting
  8. Gossip
  9. Your address
  10. Your phone number

Digital Footprint

1) How does it make you feel that things you post online are not private?

It makes me feel kinda of scared to post anything online. Like what if I post something that was supposed to be private or something embarrassing.

2) What do you think your digital footprint looks like? What kind of person would people think you are based on what you put online?

My digital footprint would be cool and creative. Since I don’t post anything bad online, my digital footprint would be harmless. Based on what I post online I would be considered a fun, creative, artsy type of person.

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