March 2015 archive

Challenge Response

 5 things I learned

  1. Not everything online is true
  2. When there is inappropriate content you can report it to the website.
  3. Nothing is really private online
  4. Not everyone online is your friend
  5. You should never meet up with anyone you meet online.

The Good and the Bad

          The Good

  1. Donating money to charity
  2. Helping the homeless
  3. Doing community service
  4. Hanging out with family
  5. Pictures of nature
  6. Playing and loving your pets
  7. Helping out at the animal shelter
  8. Doing charity walks
  9. Reading books
  10. Volunteering to help out old people.

         The Bad

  1. Graffiti
  2. Smoking
  3. Drug use
  4. Nudes
  5. Inappropriate language
  6. Alcohol abuse
  7. Fighting
  8. Gossip
  9. Your address
  10. Your phone number

Digital Footprint

1) How does it make you feel that things you post online are not private?

It makes me feel kinda of scared to post anything online. Like what if I post something that was supposed to be private or something embarrassing.

2) What do you think your digital footprint looks like? What kind of person would people think you are based on what you put online?

My digital footprint would be cool and creative. Since I don’t post anything bad online, my digital footprint would be harmless. Based on what I post online I would be considered a fun, creative, artsy type of person.

My Personality


1) What is your type according to the test?

2) What does the summary tell you about your personality type?
It tells me I am into new fashions, avant garde experiences, ‘hip’ trends– and even setting the trends.

3) Do you agree with the results?
Yes I do agree with the results because they are accurate.

4) What kind of jobs does the test say you would be good at?
* animal groomer/trainer
* police officer
* Designer
* Artist

5) Are these jobs you would select for yourself?
Yes all of them except for the police officer.

Dress Debate

What I learned about the dress debate is that we can’t always trust on what color we see. Our brain has been trained such that it eliminates the extra colors, allowing us to see the true color of the object. So the dress is an optical illusion and our brain is getting confused by it. The dress tricked everyones brain into thinking there are two different possibilities of colors if could be; black and blue or white and gold.

PSA Rumors

PSA 2015 Rumors from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.

The purpose is to stop rumors from spreading.
The audience is the people spreading the rumors.
The message was don’t catch the rumor disease and don’t spread it.
What made the PSA good was the acting and message.
Some suggestions might be show the side effects or people getting sick from the disease.